December 15, 2013

"The Secret Seven", Enid Blyton

"The Secret Seven" is one of the most popular children's book collection. Was written by Enid Blyton, remarkable writer.

"The Secret Seven" old edition
20 Euros

December 06, 2013

Remington Rand Noiseless Portable No. 7, 1949

The typewriter machine was one of the great inventions of the modern society. The model shown is the Remington Rand - Noiseless Portable No, 7.
Remington Rand Noiseless Portable No. 7
50 Euros

November 26, 2013

"Ilustração Portugueza", 1908

"Ilustração Portugueza" was a famous portuguese magazine of the beggining of 20th Century.
The edition presented by "Vintage and Memories" is dated of 18 May 1908 and reports the D. Manuel II acclamation as King of Portugal.
"Ilustração Portugueza"
7 Euros per issue

November 16, 2013

Rotary Phone, 1960's

Well-known model of rotary phone, very common in Portugal until the decade of 1980.

 Rotary phone
30 Euros

November 09, 2013

Geographical Globe, Chad Valley

This desk globe was made in England and shows the world political division in 1948 (after the creation of the State of Israel and before Korea's division).

Geographical Globe, Chad Valley
40 Euros
Besides the political division, "the time at any particular place can then be read at the point where its longitude line meets the clock" - as mentioned on the base.
It was produced by Chad Valley, old famous brand of toys. 

October 20, 2013

Smith-Corona Clipper, 1957

Smith-Corona Clipper, 1957
40 Euros